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An ode to Jake Bird

I think no PJFC website would be complete without some kind of reflection on the true man behind the music.  And he was behind the music, unless you were onstage, and then he was behind the fans.  Anyway, Jake Bird was the miracle soundman who rescued us from the Mikey/Kapps duel that almost destroyed the sound board.  He raised us from the ashes of LT '01 and did the job of two professional soundmen, all the while eating donuts and keeping the suck knob turned completely off.

If there was any one person who made PJFC possible, aside from Paul Johnson, it was Jake Bird.

Now studying at the educational powerhouse that is Mankato State University, Jake will always be missed.  But we wish him the best of luck...if by "of luck" you mean women, and best you mean "hot".