The Legend... The Coming... The Club!
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The Legend...
In the beginning there was SoundMind...In the wake of the Alternative Onslought of the mid nineties, several youngsters decided to create a band. What style they played, what influenced them the most, was changing minute by minute. The Original lineup was Ryan Krieg, Nate McClain, Ben Tipler, Shaun Peterson, and finally, Paul Johnson. Soon, so very soon, Shaun would leave to pursue a solo project, namely, Monica. They are now rumored to be married, and I am sure are living, if not happily, together. With the (tragic?) loss of Shaun, Nate Rasch, schoolmate of Shaun and Ben, took over on drums. This new lineup continued to practice in Ben's basement for several months, creating enough original material(stealing from big name christian pop stars) to play at such prestigious places as the GCM Iowa Conference. Unfortunately, this would also spell the end of an era. The previous lineup was changed. When it became obvious that Ryan couldn't sing, and that Nate M was more interested in his own reflection, Paul moved to vocals and rythem guitar while Ben took lead guitar and Ryan was relegated to bass. Nate was removed with a promise of some fresh disposible razors for his chest and a nice stick of butter. This lineup continued writing(not stealing, I swear) more material, until the band had close to 15 songs. Several were played repeatedly at their youth group. But life was different off the stage.
The band realized they needed a new bassist. Ryan was uncomfortable with his current position, and willing to step down to pursue other interests, namely, girls. This was when they came to the worst decision yet, to bring in their old friend and struggling bassist Aaron Cox. Aaron had been quietly learning bass for several months at this point, and was more than happy to buy the Lotus bass that first Paul, then Ryan, had used. This was the last stage for Sound Mind. Aaron quickly caught on to the 'Mind,' as the press had taken to calling them, and immidiately took up the job of carrying around Ben's p.a.
At this point the band was ready to return to their old stomping grounds, Iowa, and prove their detractors wrong. They had a totally original song that would wow their fans and mildy amuse the rest. It was called, "To Love as He." This quickly became their first radio hit single, and it was received with wild praise at the Iowa conference, due only to the shortage of any talent in any of the other talent show acts. In the glow of "TLaH," as those in the industry took to calling their new single, "Cinnabon" was released. After the copyright battle was over, this song quickly replaced "TLaH" as the new most requested SoundMind song. Due in part to extensive touring of their youth ministry, SoundMind felt ready for their next big break. This struck in the form of a block party put on by the parents of their head groupie, J. Neal Sims. Sims and Aaron had struck up a friendship several years earlier, and this tie would help to move SoundMind to the front of the blockparty options. They received the slot, and quickly moved to take their position as the "Next Minor Thing." The setup and prep-work for the show went well, even as far as eliciting sympathy from a police officer who had to tell them to "turn it down a bit" due to "other" neighbors complaints. They even went so far as to stay chipper in the face of verbal assaults from one Pat O'Hara, notorious local moron and complete wanker. The show started well, and the back yard was full of curious parents and bored teens. But then disaster struck the weakest link in the group. During the middle of a jam song, Aarons 'E' string broke. Unable to deal with the awful stress, he instead courageously stepped away from his amp, moved into the house, and cried. He cried for roughly ten minutes until his fellow bandmates, and even his mom, convinced him to go back and play anyway. He did, and with rabid tenacity, blatently ignoring any notes that fell on the now defunct E string. But this was the beginning of the end for the "Mind." Less then a year later, with more material and more talent, Nate Rasch had to join the Air Force. What was worse for the still High School tied members, Paul had school that fall in Iowa, at the prestigious Iowa State University. It was decided at the end of a tearful meeting that SoundMind would not go on...

The Coming...
With no where to go, and no one to love them, Aaron and Ben soon found comfort in the company of fellow musicians in the music ministry of the same youth group that Paul grew up in. Ben took the lead, expressing an interest in serving God with his musical talent. Approximately a year later, the current bass player for Mufasa Deli, as Paul liked to call the band, needed replacing. Ben saw that a young outcast by the name of Chris Dugan, young, but excellent on bass, could easily replace the errent minded Jeramiah Dalie. Chris was first brought to Bens attention by Aaron, who could easily recognize talent better than his own.

The Club
It was at the tumultous period in the wake of their old band leader, Brian Gates, leaving that Ben and Aaron finally took hold of destiny and finally asked, "What Would Paul Do."
WWPD became their official motto, and Chris and Ryan firmly took hold of that vision, and the Fan Club was there in all but name.
Their momentous christening took place in the spring of 1999, on the cusp of the millenial AND musical renewal.
Once again returning to the spring conference that had so long dominated the pheonix-like legacy of Paul Johnson, the then un-named band decided to play a song they had done earlier in the year at their own youth ministry: Eve 6's "inside out." But when the time came to sign up for the talent show, they realized they had no name.
The sound guy was kind but firm; they needed a name by 4pm. Several were thrown around, but lacked the force they were looking for. Mufasa Deli was no more, the Darling Five would have unwanted consequences, and Soundmind 2.0 was neither catchy nor kitzchie.
It was Aaron who first suggested "Paul Johnson Fan Club," and he quickly ran to the sound board before the others could stop him. The rest is history

Email Me! please, i need friends...

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5 out of 8 ain't bad

Oh yeah, they let Aeron play bass for them now.